1.Unplanned expenses for sudden repairs!
Sudden response will need professional helps and parts costs. Due to the urgency of the response, the cost may be higher than the normal response.
2.What? We have to stop research?
Depending on the cause, it may take a long time to recover from an exhaust fan shutdown. In addition, when equipment is damaged, research activities have to be stopped until repairs are completed because of the need to procure parts.
3.Maintenace prevents unexpected accidents!
In cases where you don't notice a drop in exhaust air volume or a shutdown of the exhaust fan, there may be health impact. It is also possible that falling front sash could lead to injury.
4.Total cost of maintenance will be higher.
The continuous understanding of equipment operation allows for systematic management. Effective distribution of the most expensive personnel costs is also possible by requesting operation works in bulk.
5.Affecting nearby facilities and the environment?
Suddenly shutting down the exhaust fans can cause highly odorous gases to leak into the building, as well as gases and wastewater that exceed environmental standards.